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  • Skribentens bildEric Bengtsson

Eldas words still rings in my head

Uppdaterat: 2 juni 2023

We had many amazing industry leaders at the motion creative 23 program at Hyper Island in Stockholm. But the one I will remember the most is the Argentinan/Berlin-based illustrator and director Elda Broglio.

I remember that I actually was late for the first lesson our class had with her. The Stockholm derby AIK - Djurgården the day before had taken alot of my energy so of course I was a little bit tired that day. I remember checking out Eldas instagram on the subway on my way to school and I saw alot of illustrations that made me blush.

I remember checking out Eldas instagram on the subway on my way to school and I saw alot of illustrations that made me blush.

It took me a while to understand that Eldas artstyle is a form of realism where she illustrates real people with real bodies in real situations. I remember a character design workshop with Elda Broglio where she said you should think of a friend or familymember when you illustrate a character.

Not only is Elda an amazing illustrator she is also an really good director. I belive the way she teached our class about project management is invalueble. The feedback sessions our class had with her was pure tough love. In a very honest and often comedic way she could tell us what was wrong with our projects.

The feedback sessions our class had with her was pure tough love. In a very honest and often comedic way she could tell us what was wrong with our projects.

Eldas feedback sessions was so powerfull that I still can hear that latin accent talking to me when I work with motion design projects.

And sometimes I cant help myself talking like Elda when I give feedback on a project. "Soo what is this?? Is this a storyboard? No, this is not a storyboard. This is a nice little scrapbook you got here."

As this wasnt enough Elda is also great at hosting Movie Nights for her classes. It´s a place for old and new students to link up, eat snacks and watch cool animations. Looking forward to this event in the fall of 2023.

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